I work with your trial team to achieve the best appellate outcome.
Board Certified Civil Appellate Attorney
Deborah Race is an appellate attorney in Tyler, Texas. Deborah is board certified in Civil Appellate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. She is licensed to practice in Texas, the 5th and Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court of the United States. Deborah currently serves on the board of the Women’s Fund of Smith County. She was previously the chair of the Smith County Bar Foundation and the Smith County Bar Association. She is also a member of the Institute of Appellate Practice with the Litigation Counsel of America. She has been honored by her peers with the Award of Excellence from the Smith County Bar Association, the Barbara Culver Clack Award from the Women’s Section of the State Bar of Texas and the Peter Perlman Service Award from the Litigation Counsel of America.
Primary Areas of Practice
State and Federal Appeals
Deborah Race is Board Certified in Civil Appellate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. She is admitted to practice in all Texas appellate courts, as well as in the Fifth and Federal Circuits and the United States Supreme Court. She has handled all types of complex civil appeals over the years, including those involving oil and gas, family law, wills and estates and many other areas of the law. She has also personally presented numerous oral arguments in both state and federal appellate courts. She will work hard to find and present your best arguments to the appellate court both.
Trial Support
Deborah Race is available to assist the trial attorney and often appears at trial with trial counsel in order to perfect the appellate record. She also handles other matters at trial such as summary judgement motions, the jury charge, and motions for a new trial, etc.
Local Counsel
Deborah Race has extensive experience in the state courts in Smith and Wood Counties, as well as the federal courts in the Eastern District of Texas. She often appears as local counsel with counsel from other areas who might need assistance navigating the local customs and rules.
Awards & Memberships
Deborah Race, J.D.
Community Involvement
Board Member and Vice-Chair of Governance Women’s Fund of Smith County
Board Member Hospice of East Texas Foundation
Leadership Women (formerly Leadership Texas) Class of 1997
Professional Activities
Admitted to practice in Texas, the Fifth Circuit, the Federal Circuit and the United States Supreme Court
Board Certified Civil Appellate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Selected to Super Lawyers 2007-present
Council member and past chair Women and the Law Section State Bar of Texas
Texas Bar Foundation Board 2022-2025
Women in the Profession Committee of the State Bar of Texas 2022–2025
Smith County Bar Association and Lone Star Legal Aid’s Smith County Law Firm of the Year in 2019
Award of Excellence from Smith County Bar Association 2009
Peter Perlman Service Award from Litigation Counsel of America 2017
Barbara Culver Clack Award from Women and the Law Section 2016
Served on the Board of Disciplinary Appeals 2007–2013
President Smith County Bar Foundation 2017-2018
President Smith County Bar Association 2011-2012
Senior Fellow Litigation Counsel of America
Charter Member T. John Ward American Inns of Court
Sustaining Life Fellow Texas Bar Foundation
Life Fellow ABA Bar Foundation
Member Smith County Bar Association
Member Smith County Bar Foundation
Member Women’s Section of the Smith County Bar Association
Member Bar Association of the Federal Circuit
Member Bar Association of the Fifth Circuit
My Philosophy
I believe in the judicial system and the right to appeal, but despite specializing in appeals, I realize that sometimes the best thing emotionally and financially for the client is to achieve a resolution before starting the appellate process. The appellate process is often a long and confusing one and my philosophy is to give the client and trial counsel the best idea of what to expect from the appeal. I like to work closely with trial counsel preferably before the trial even starts, but even if after, I appreciate the input of trial counsel in the appellate process. I will work hard to find the best arguments available for your appeal and will try to keep the client and trial counsel informed and updated throughout the process. I believe communication is key to a good relationship with my clients and their trial counsel.
Nancy Crim, Certified Paralegal
Nancy Crim is a multi-faceted and highly respected certified paralegal in East Texas.
She has served as president of the Tyler Area Association of Legal Professionals and in 2005 was awarded their Legal Professional of the Year Award.
Nancy has a wide range of experience in both trial and appellate work. She is exactly the kind of detail-oriented person you want to assist in an appellate practice and she helps ensure your appeal is handled professionally and in a timely manner.
Nancy is happy answer any questions you might have. You may contact her at Nancy@raceappeallaw.com
Call Us
(903) 630-5151
Fax: (903) 630-5760
Email Us
Wadel Connally Building
112 East Line St.
Tyler, Texas 75702